Programming Basics, Logic's & Techniques - PBLT

You Will be Learning Flowcharts,Pseudo-codes & Coding Concepts

Course Summary

The "Programming Basics: Logic & Techniques (Flowcharts & Pseudocodes)" course serves as an entry point for individuals new to programming.

#PBLT offers a comprehensive introduction to programming concepts, emphasizing the development of strong foundational skills in logical thinking, problem-solving, and algorithm design.

#The primary focus of the course is on instilling essential techniques for constructing logical structures and addressing coding challenges using two powerful tools: flowcharts and pseudocodes.

#Geared towards beginners without prior programming exposure, the course adopts a systematic and accessible approach to teaching.
#By the end, participants will have gained the ability to dissect complex problems, devise algorithmic solutions, and skillfully plan code implementation.

This foundational knowledge forms an essential stepping stone for those venturing into the world of programming, enabling them to approach coding tasks with confidence and efficacy.

Atish Jain
-Coding Career Expert

Course Curriculum

Atish Jain

Hello, I am Atish Jain, a Teacher by Passion and an Entrepreneur by Profession. Co-founder of AH CAREER Pvt Ltd, an IT Training Company.

I am on a Mission to Help 100 thousand Students Build a Strong Foundation for Computer Science Engineering careers to achieve their Dream Job of being a "Software Engineer" with Great knowledge and a "Strong Foundation."

Atish Jain
-Coding Career Expert

    Saara Raju


    Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!

    Course Pricing

    • Programming Basics, Logics & Techniques
    • 4995 INR

      Learn Pseudocodes and Flowcharts to Begin Programming Journey

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